يفيد مكتب السيد الأستاذ الدكتور/ سعيد محمد جبر – نائب رئيس الجامعة للدراسات العليا والبحوث بأن مدينة زويل  للعلوم والتكنولوجيا بصدد عقد المؤتمر الدولى الرابع فى الرياضيات وعلوم المعلومات

5-7 Feb. 2015 

Zewail City of Science and Technology is pleased to invite you to participate in the 4th International Conference on Mathematics & Information Science (ICMIS 2015) which will be held in Zewail City of Science and Technology, 5-7 Feb. 2015. It will feature advances in Mathematical Science, Business, Information Systems Engineering and Technology presented by international researchers.

Some Grants for Young and Early Stage Researchers are available.

The conference is a part of a series of conferences dedicated to bringing top scientists and technologists to Egypt thereby helping to raise Egyptian science and technology to the highest international standard, raise awareness of governments and industry in Egypt to the importance and excitement of new research and development in technologies, and engender collaborations and research exchanges. The previous conferences of this Series are:

1st  International Conference on Mathematics & Information Security, Sohag, Egypt, 13-15 Nov. 2009 ,              

2nd International Conference on Mathematics & Information Sciences, Sohag, Egypt, 9-12 Sep. 2011,                  

3rd  International Conference on Mathematics & Information Science, Luxor, Egypt, 28-30 Dec. 2013 

Registration Fees    : $200

Registration Fees    : 500 EP (Egyptian) 

 500 جنية للمصريين
